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Why Mediate:

Reasons to consider mediation:

  • Mediation is faster and cheaper than going to court. Mediation can typically be completed in a few hours, while court cases can drag on for years. Mediation is also significantly less expensive than going to court.

  • Mediation maintains Confidentiality. Court proceedings are public record, so anyone can access the information. Mediation proceedings, on the other hand, are confidential.

  • Mediation allows the parties to have control of the process: In mediation, the parties have more control over the process than they do in court. They can choose the mediator, the location, and the time of the mediation.

  • Mediation is more likely to result in a mutually agreeable resolution. In court, a judge makes the decision for you. In mediation, the parties work together to reach an agreement that is mutually satisfactory.

  • Mediation can help to preserve relationships. Mediation can help the parties communicate more effectively and resolve their differences in a constructive way. This can help to preserve relationships and avoid further conflict.

Specific situations where mediation may be a good option:

  • Couples:  Couples mediation can help couples to resolve the issues that they are having trouble resolving on their own. Couples mediation is NOT the same as couples therapy or counseling.

  • Divorce:  Divorce mediation can help couples to resolve the issues related to their divorce, such as child custody, child support, and division of property.

  • Elder Care Mediation: Elder Care Mediation can help families who are having trouble deciding on a plan to take care of an elder loved one. Should a family member move in with them? Should they move in with a family member? Should they move into a nursing home or assisted living center? How will their care be paid for? Is it time to sell their home and assets? These are gut-wrenching decisions that often tear families apart. A skilled mediator can help to keep things calm as during the mediation.

  • Business disputes: Mediation can help businesses to resolve their disputes without going to court.

  • Neighborhood disputes: Mediation can help neighbors to resolve their disputes, such as noise complaints or property line disputes.

  • Workplace disputes: Mediation can help employees and employers to resolve their disputes, such as discrimination or harassment claims.

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